Psychic Fair Fundraiser - March 1, 2015

City Arts Nashua is holding the fifth annual Psychic Fair Fundraiser in the old reading room of the Hunt Memorial Building, Nashua’s high Victorian Gothic landmark at 6 Main Street in downtown Nashua, Sunday March 1, from 11:30 AM to 4 PM.

You can choose from talented readers of Tarot, Angel, and Native American Totem cards, Psychometry, Mediumship, Numerology, Scrying and Aura Interpretation.

Many of the area’s most popular readers will be there:  Michelle Guillemette, Jacki Joy, Colleen Costello, Mac Newman, Lester Greenwood, and Melissa Beers, along with Ramona Nault and her aura reading camera.

You don’t have to be a believer — just come for the fun of it.

Great gifts for Mother’s Day and the upcoming wedding and graduation seasons will be on sale as well.

Proceeds will help fund the Mural Restoration Project for the Yankee Flyer Diner Mural on Main Street next to Citizen’s Bank and the Margaret’s View of Nashua Mural in the Court Street Theater.

Readings start at $25 for 15 minutes with extended readings available.  Cash, checks and credit cards accepted.

Call 883-8093 for more info.